I've been fortunate to write and record several instructional books over the years. They all include original music and accompanying CDs with play-along tracks. It's hard work, but a hell of a lot of fun. One of my books got a German edition, and another even got this little plug from Simon Gallup of The Cure!
“To be honest with you, every night I see all the other bands, all these great musicians, and then when I’m up there I look down at my bass and the minimalist stuff I’m playing and think, I’m just getting away with murder here.” And then, a shuffling sound over the phone as Gallup begins laughing. “In fact, and I swear I’m not lying to you, in my bag right now I have a book for beginning bass players called You Can Do It . . . Play Bass Dammit!. It’s great—it’s got all these different bass lines to practice. You can even learn to play Latin rock at the end, so maybe one day when this is all over I’ll be joining Enrique Iglesias’s band.” Baltimore City Paper, 8/4/2004

Guitar World presents! I wrote the lessons, composed the musical examples, engraved the accompanying sheet music, and recorded and performed the backing tracks.